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Your Sustainability Co-Pilot

KarbonWise is a smart platform that empowers businesses to take meaningful action to reduce carbon emissions and optimize their Net Zero journey.

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Our mission is to steer enterprises
towards Net Zero:  

  • ahead of time
  • combining the best in climate science and vertical expertise
  • hand-in-hand with business strategy.


Reduction in manual effort


Coverage of Carbon & ESG Metrics


Higher agility in developing and analysing scenarios
Let's Face it

Getting to Net Zero is hard, especially while balancing
revenue and business priorities.


fragmented ESG data


complex supply chains


low in-house capacity


evolving sustainability standards


increased expectations from investors and end customers

Climate action is complex but necessary. We're here to lead this revolution.

PRODUCTS & Services

Chart your Net Zero Pathway,
one step at a time.

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One platform to automate activity data gathering, emissions calculation, reporting and insight generation, thereby enabling effective decision making on the path towards Net Zero.

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esgs,esg reporting,carbon footprint reduction,decrease carbon emissions,carbon reduction plan

Set targets and create Net Zero pathways. With the support of simulated models we help you choose the path that is optimal for you.

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Embark on this pathway guided by our proprietary library of carbon reduction initiatives. Work with us to optimise and execute your plan more effectively, and adapt as needed in line with other priorities

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Report & Share

Communicate Impact

Streamline your reporting needs, compliant to a broad range of global and regional guidelines, with the help of smart workflows and our experts.


Enterprises aren’t moving fast enough. How can your business do better?

How do we evolve from scattered sustainability initiatives to a more structured approach? Where do we start?
We are already investing in renewables and energy efficiency? What else should we be thinking about?
How do we keep up with many reporting standards and avoid duplication?
Our Board wants us to run a periodic sustainability strategy process. How do we approach this?
Is using carbon credits and offsets a fast track for us to achieve Net Zero?
How can we make sustainability business cases compelling to drive stakeholder excitement and buy-in?

We empower businesses to take meaningful steps in reducing their emissions work towards a Net Zero future.


Easy to follow Life Cycle Analysis for all stakeholders in your supply chain.

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Drug discovery, development, manufacturing, and distribution made sustainable.

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Financial Services

Making financial portfolios future proof faster & cheaper.

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With KarbonWise, Arjun aims to bring together learnings over the last decade to empower businesses with the right tools and capabilities on their Net Zero journey.

Arjun's foray into sustainability began with Susnomics, a niche consultancy in the UAE focused on designing and scaling the adoption of low carbon buildings. The company's work in introducing and popularizing sustainable building practices has been a significant influence in the region.

He then transitioned to McKinsey & Co. in London, where his primary focus centered on serving financial institutions, but in his later years pivoted to focus on climate topics such as the net zero pathways, addressing supply chain emissions, and evaluating Climate risk.

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