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We have a unique mix of skills to help you on your sustainability journey.
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What we mean by Co-Pilot
Why KarbonWise
Our Journey

What we mean by Co-Pilot

After closely collaborating with more than 70 enterprises on sustainability issues during this time, we recognise the daily obstacles you face. Despite having a strong commitment and intent to enact change, there are inevitable constraints and seldom straightforward solutions. We comprehend these difficulties and are equipped to help you surmount these challenges

Why KarbonWise

We have lived your challenges for the last decade
  • dotAfter closely collaborating with more than 70 enterprises on sustainability topics in the last decade, we realise that despite having a strong commitment to act, there are inevitable constraints and no easy answers. We understand this and what to empower to overcome these constraints with pragmatic solutions
  • Customer success' matters, technology is only an enabler
  • dotOur platform does the heavy-lifting to resolve data challenges and accelerate generation of insights. However, the true measure of success lies in how you utilize these data and insights. This is the mindset in which we operate, and our colleagues will work closely with you to make the most of the platform to drive the right actions.
  • We have a unique mix of skills to help you on the journey
  • dotSustainability should be closely linked with the overall business strategy, and our team possesses the diverse skill set necessary to facilitate this integration. Our core team brings together a wealth of experience in technology, consulting, climate science, and industry-specific expertise. This combination helps us on your end to end decarbonisation journey effectively.
  • Our Journey

    KarbonWise was founded by Arjun on the back of one key insight - Most businesses have the right intent, and want to accelerate actions towards reducing environmental impact. But they are limited by 3 things

    There are competing priorities (growth, cost among others), that makes it a challenge to find the right balance
    Lack of holistic understanding of the output metrics (such as carbon footprint, ozone depletion, eutrophication, biodiversity, etc.) and how underlying actions in the sustainability program impact these metrics.
    Internal tools and capabilities are not mature enough (like in other areas like finance or sales).

    Having spent over a decade engaging actively with enterprises on these challenges, we understand what it takes and we want to lead the sustainability transformation in the coming years / decades.