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Create Realistic Pathways

Take a value lens to define your sustainability strategy – this includes new propositions, decarbonization themes to reach Net Zero, and actions to mitigate climate-related disruptions. Work with us to optimize your journey so trade-offs with other priorities such as growth, and returns are balanced.

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Target Setting
Sustainability Blueprint

Target Setting

SBTi (Science Based Target Setting)

Set science-based targets in line with the ‘Science-Based Target Setting initiative (SBTi)’ and define your decarbonisation pathway. We help you define this not only at an enterprise level but also more granularly across your business (e.g. BU, location). In addition the platform to set targets, we offer collaboration opportunities with our team of advisors to calibrate targets and ambition for your organization.

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Track your Progress and Course Correct

Set specific targets for overall emissions or emissions intensity, for Scope 1, 2, and 3 in line with the SBTI, and track progress against them with ease using our platform.

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Product Benefits

Ambitious targets that are grounded in data
  • dotUnderstand where you stand vs global peers on sustainability performance and ambition, in a matter of weeks
  • dotOur benchmarks (curated through proprietary research and well accepted data sets), will be a guide as you think about your targets, and try to balance ambition vs realism in context of your business
  • Sustainability strategy that makes you distinctive
  • dotEmbed sustainability at the core of your business strategy, by working closely with our team. Think of playing 'offense' with Sustainability and not just 'defense'
  • dotOur team will help you design / introduce new propositions, adapt existing offerings, to provide your end customers more 'green' solutions. This approach opens up new revenue pools, enhances brand image and create market differentiation
  • dot
  • Strategies

    Sustainability Blueprint

    A sustainable tomorrow with today's building blocks

    Develop your value creation blueprint from sustainability initiatives and integrate it with your overall strategy. The roadmap will include launch of new net zero offerings to tap into value pools (in your current or adjacent business), decarbonisation pathways, and actions / decisions to minimise impacts of physical and transition risk. Our specialist team is well versed in the latest climate science and technology breakthroughs, and we will strive to push your ambition and boundaries

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