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Automated Reporting that is Future Ready

Speed up reporting across a broad range of global and regional guidelines (TCFD, CDP, GRI, SECR, PPN06/21, BRSR), using smart workflows, and automatically populating information across modules of the application.

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Streamlined & simplified reporting
Communicate Impact

Streamlined & simplified reporting

Fully compliant with global ESG standards and regulations.

Reduce operational effort of teams, and reliance on consultants through our reporting engine. We have built in templates for regional guidelines, and LLMs to create custom narratives for your business

calculating your carbon footprint,esg reporting,ESG,esgs,Net Zero,esg reporting,esg investing,life cycle analysis assessment,Life Cycle Analysis,Sustainability reporting,decrease carbon emissions,carbon reduction plan,Carbon reduction plan,environmental social and governance investing,supply chain carbon footprint,supply chain emissions

Product Benefits

Reduce effort by 80%
  • dotEasily export the data and insights into any other format you want, or generate end to end reports from our platform.
  • dotThis helps you focus on the insights than on the effort to pull reports together.
  • dotLeverage localisation
  • dotOur templates provide a great starting point to get a first version of reports that are compliant
  • dotOur experts are happy to work with you to enhance impact by creating strategies, risks, and initiatives for your report that are highly custom to your situation.
  • Create beautiful, insightful reports
  • dotWork with our team to create distinctive reports quickly, and have fun along the journey
  • dotOur team will also help you craft custom narratives and tailored plans to get all the key stakeholders aligned.

    Communicate Impact

    Inspire action through the power of stories

    Work with us to turn your detailed work on carbon reduction initiatives into simple stories that appeal to your customers, partners and investors. Often, the technical detail behind projects or numbers such a tons of Co2e reduced cannot be contextualised easily - this is where we come in - to convert carbon reduction programmes into inspiring stories. Synthesise all your data and initiatives into compelling narratives for your stakeholders. Work with us to integrate the story into your different channels (internal and external), so your customers, suppliers, partners and investors can visualise the impact you’re having on the planet and your stakeholders.

    carbon accounting companies,supply chain scope 3,supply chain net zero,carbon reduction roadmap,Carbon emissions reduction,environmental social and governance investing,carbon reduction plan,Sustainability reporting,Life Cycle Analysis,life cycle analysis assessment,esg investing,esg reporting,calculating your carbon footprint